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My Practicum Experience

MOAS PracticumFernanda Carrion

MA Global Governance and Public Policy

Fernanda Carrion participated in the Practicum in International Organisations module as part of her master's degree in Global Governance and Public Policy. She has spent six months working for the international migrant observatory, MOAS — repeatedly referred to on news channels across the world for it's efforts rescuing migrants on their journeys across treacherous waters.

Fernanda talks to us about what it's like working on the front line of what is probably one of the greatest global challenges in our modern age.

What did your work at MOAS involve, and what did you most enjoy about it?
I was involved in researching and contacting companies in order to support fundraising at MOAS. I was also involved in the logistics department, supporting the organisation of ongoing rescue missions in the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea. I found this to be the most interesting aspect of my work and I had an adrenaline rush every time we organised one of the missions because I knew what was at stake. My role involved researching prospective crew members such as medics, rescue swimmers and sailors.

This experience has given me the opportunity to understand the maritime field and all that it entails, including maritime laws, and the maintenance of ships.

I found it exciting to be in a multicultural office environment where my colleagues spoke a range of languages including Maltese, French, Italian and English.

How has the experience supported your studies at Middlesex?
This experience has supported my studies by giving me an international outlook.

How will/has the Practicum helped you in terms of preparing you for life beyond your studies?
I believe the Practicum helped me in the transition from student to professional.  It is often difficult to get an internship or entry-level job. The Practicum gives you the guidance you need to begin your career.

MOAS Practicum What are your plans now you are nearing the end of your course?
I will be participating in one of the United Nations internship programs in Thailand where I will work on policy development in disaster risk reduction.

What advice would you give to students considering studying MA Global Governance and Public Policy at Middlesex?
For students starting the course, I would say focus on one topic for policy development such as sustainability, migration or transportation so that you have a thorough understanding of that topic.

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