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Green Investment Toolkit

Green Investment Toolkit – commissioned by Middlesex University Business School RKEFF (2021)

CEEDR and Greenfin research hub staff at Middlesex University have developed a Green Investment Toolkit as a guide for cleantech and green sustainable innovation ventures, their potential Climate Change impact investors (such as accelerators, business angels and seed VCs) and business support intermediaries (e.g. accountants, investment readiness support organisations, Climate change advisor groups). The Green Investment Toolkit acts as a guide which helps entrepreneurs and investors to position green innovation in terms of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and, more specifically, direct users to appropriate national baseline data sets and to presenting the most appropriate Climate Change and sustainability impact metrics that their innovation can make on the market. This tackles what is know as the Scope 3 downstream product and service users impact and can considerably help innovative ventures and their potential investors to understand each other better. We believe that the Green Investment Toolkit can significantly enhance the operation of the cleantech small business innovation financing market globally and are undertaking further development with new business case studies such as ShareMyBreak and impact investors such as Five-Thirteen and an international study in Oceania with University of Waikato. The guide is also under further development as an online reference and App device in consultation with Middlesex University Science and Technology Faculty.

Guidance for Impact Investors/Investees

For further information, please contact Theresa Harrer or Robyn Owen

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