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Mike Ribeiro

Mike RibeiroCEO, IPB Web Company

MSc Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship, 2015

Tell us a bit about what your current job involves.

Being a business owner and CEO, my main daily tasks naturally involve all actions related to financial management, marketing strategies, people management, logistic matters, legal issues, technological challenges, quality control, environmental concerns and social responsibility.

What drove you to a career in this area and why are you passionate about it?

I have always dreamed about having my own businesses, being able to create value from something built under my ideas, guidance and energy. Daily challenges and obstacles to overcome on a daily basis are crucial for my wellbeing and the ability of managing something under my own rules and thoughts – even knowing that some limitations always exist – is what I have always intended to achieve in my professional life.

What has been your proudest achievement to date?

Naturally, it’s been creating 3 successful businesses – one of which I have now sold – which has given me the opportunity to build my life around them.

In your opinion, what are the benefits of postgraduate study?

Without a doubt you benefit from postgraduate study through enhancing vital skills, improving your ability to problem solve quickly and develop critical thinking skills which are crucial for today’s corporate environment.

What work and life skills did you learn on your master’s?

The ones I would like to point out are time management, critical thinking, problem solving, adaptive response to new concepts and approaches, and interpersonal connectivity and interaction.

What did you enjoy most about your master’s at Middlesex?

Definitely everything related to academic life itself – involving facilities, opportunities, personal relationships with colleagues and friends – and also the high standards of the university’s lecturers, staff and services.

How did your master’s degree help you further your career?

My Master’s degree enhanced my skills as a Manager / CEO and nowadays some of the processes and procedures in place within my companies were implemented thanks to the concepts and theories I learned during the course (particularly through the Innovation module).

Finally, what advice would you give to others thinking about postgraduate study?

I truly believe that students should seriously consider a postgraduate program to prepare themselves better for their professional and/or entrepreneurial projects in life – if not to their lives specifically.

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